Most recently, we've had the great good fortunate work with legendary radio guy and voice of the world Dick Ervasti to produce a jingle package for his Super Radio Media Group's flagship "Total Hits USA". I think it best we let Mr. Ervasti do the talking....
We love this stuff!
In the 1980s and 90s we did a lot of radio station jingle production. It started with WLOL Radio in the Twin Cities, then branched out to a number of other formats, including some pretty kick ass country jingles and some lite rock stuff that was pretty cutting edge for its time.
We produced station jingles that sounded like the music on the air. As commonplace and logical as that may sound, it just wasn't being done at the time. The big "jingle mills", mostly in Dallas, were producing a sound of station jingle that sounded like a station jingle, not like anything that was being played on the air. Lucky for us Doyle Rose, and Gregg Swedburg and Tack Hammer at WLOL agreed with us, and we cranked out some "hot rockin', flame throwin' " jingles that were the first of their kind.
The country package we did for Radio USA in Northern Minnesota built the kind of loyal relationship you rarely see in business, but especially the radio business.
Our sincere thanks to all of the program Directors and General Manages that had the faith to turn us loose on their air. Live musicians in studios playing hand-written charts. And real singers that kept going until it was as close to perfect as they could make it.