"The 4th R: the aRt of Education"
How do you solve a problem, when the problem is you don't know how to solve problems?
With all the problems in the world today, how are we teaching our children to solve these problems they will face for the rest of their lives? This film shows the critical need for full funding of arts education at every level.

"Hand Me Downs"
What are we leaving our children?
Riding along on a garbage truck, shooting photos for the client's website, the driver asked me that question. She also asked "Do they think the landfill is a bottomless pit? What are they thinking?" Then this whole film flashed before me in my small, but active mind. Thanks to Hawkeye Sanitation and Recycling for underwriting a portion of the production.

"Tracking the Iowa Mural"
Carl Homstad: the Iowa Muralist
Riding along with Carl Homstad, the most viewed artist in the state of Iowa, as we visit his murals across the state of Iowa. Carl tells us the story behind each mural project as we drive into town, then we hear from the people of each town about how it is to live with this art.
This is the the whole film. (9:59)

"Bike Trail Videos: Short Tour"
Take a tour of the Trout Run Bike Trail around Decorah, Iowa. This was produced in 3 lengths, and made available to businesses in the area for embedding in their website. Shot on several Go Pro Cameras, on the bike and from the air. (3:16)

Ryumonji: "Takuhatsu"
Produced as an early web video to raise funds for the Ryumonji Zen Monastery in Northeast Iowa. Concept by Carl Homstad. Shot on a small DV camera. (7:49)

Elmo Gibb for Haulmark Trailers
Was doing some creative consulting for Universal Trailers Corp., and one of my assignments was to gather video testimonials for the various Universal Trailer brands.
I was driving home when I passed a Haulmark Trailer with a living quarters going the other way. I chased it down and found Elmo Gibb, who had in the back of the trailer a circus pony and 5 circus dogs. He's a clown, on the road, with a dog and pony show! My great good fortune...